legal documents
1.) Dr. Ilana Redstone - Expert Testimony for the Plaintiffs Gabrielle Clark and William Clark
2.) Montana AG Binding Opinion (carries force of law in the state) to the effect that many elements of implementation of Critical Race Theory as practiced, such as differential treatment based on race, are unconstitutional.
3.) Document from 20 State Attorneys General regarding Critical Race Theory in public schools addressed to Education Secretary Cardona that concludes: “the Department should make it clear that it will not fund projects that promote CRT or any projects that characterize the United States as irredeemably racist or founded on principles of racism (as opposed to principles of equality) or that purport to ascribe character traits, values, privileges, status, or beliefs, or that assign fault, blame, or bias, to a particular race or to an individual because of his or her race.”
"It is funny how mortals always picture [demons like] us as putting things into their minds: in reality our best work is done by keeping things out."
-C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters